gentleman n. (pl. -men) 1.绅士;有身份的人,上流人士。 2.〔男子尊称〕阁下。 3.(中国旧时的)士大夫;【法律】社会贤达〔证明文件上用语〕。 4.(达官贵人的)随从,侍从。 5.〔pl.〕 (商业信函中的称呼)先生们 (= Sirs 或 Dear Sirs). 6.【英史】(非贵族但有使用家徽特权的)乡士〔有时略作 Gent, 附加名后表示身份〕。 7.〔pl.〕 男厕所。 8.〔美国〕议员。 a country gentleman乡绅,乡下地主。a walking gentleman【戏剧】配角。 a gentleman at large 〔戏谑语〕失业者,无职业者。 a gentleman in brown 〔戏谑语〕臭虫。 a gentleman in waiting (英王的)侍从。 a gentleman of fortune 海盗;骗子。 冒险家 (= adventurer)。 a gentleman of the press 新闻记者。 a gentleman of the road [pad] 拦路强盗,游民,乞丐;出门兜揽生意的人。 a gentleman of the (long) robe 律师,教士。 a gentleman of the three outs 〔戏谑语〕(无现钱、无袖肘、无信用的)三无绅士。 a gentleman of virtu 古董家,古玩专家。 a gentleman's [gentlemen's] agreement 君子协定。 a gentleman's gentleman 侍从,男仆。 my gentleman 那家伙,此人。 the gentleman from ... 〔美国〕(从某州)选出的(众议院)议员。
Mr. darnay as a young gentleman of generosity knows how to make allowance for that circumstance . 代尔先生是宽宏的青年绅士,他知道怎样原恕这种情形的。
I will ask you to speak in scots, for here is a young gentleman with me that has known none of the other . 我请求你用苏格兰语说话,因为这位跟我一起来工作的年轻绅士不懂得另一种话。
Robert grace, a young gentleman of some fortune, generous, lively, and witty; a lover of punning and of his friends . 罗伯特格雷斯,一个家道殷实的年轻绅士,为人慷慨,生气勃勃,机智聪明,喜欢说双关语很讨朋友喜欢。
"we'd have had a young gentleman to meet you, if we had known you were coming," retorted master kidderminster, nothing abashed . “如果我们早知道你们要来,就会请一位年轻的绅士来接待你们了,”基德敏士特君一点不害臊地回答着。
A young gentlemans been crushed ! the deacon was saying , mind what youre about ! easy there ! youre crushing him , youre crushing him “把小少爷挤死了! ”助祭说, “这样不行!
Robert grace , a young gentleman of some fortune , generous , lively , and witty ; a lover of punning and of his friends 罗伯特?格雷斯,一个家道殷实的年轻绅士,为人慷慨,生气勃勃,机智聪明,喜欢说双关语很讨朋友喜欢。
" we ' d have had a young gentleman to meet you , if we had known you were coming , " retorted master kidderminster , nothing abashed “如果我们早知道你们要来,就会请一位年轻的绅士来接待你们了, ”基德敏士特君一点不害臊地回答着。
Cried the lady s - maid . what shocking conduct , miss eyre , to strike a young gentleman , your benefactress s son ! your young master 这位女主人的侍女叫道, “多可怕的举动,爱小姐,居然打起小少爷来了,他是你恩人的儿子:你的小主人! ”
And , sir , if business imposes its restraints and its silences and impediments , mr . darnay as a young gentleman of generosity knows how to make allowance for that circumstance 而且,如果业务给人带来了制约和不便,迫使人沉默的话,达尔内先生是个慷慨大方的绅士,他知道该怎么大方地处理的。
The housekeeper came forward , and told them it was the picture of a young gentleman , the son of her late master s steward , who had been brought up by him at his own expence 舅母笑嘻嘻地问她觉得好不好。管家奶奶走过来说,画像上这位年轻人是老主人的帐房的儿子,由老主人一手把他栽培起来。